Napoli Pizza Berlin: Standard Serious, Zola, W, Sironi

I am suddenly a fan of Napoli pizza. Can’t get enough of it. Margherita.

I love the chewy crust. I love the black char. I love the salty cheese and the not too sweet tomato sauce.

Question: Why is there so little basil?

Answer: This is highly regulated stuff.

I first fell in love with Sironi’s Margherita, which is NOT Napoli. More like focaccia, square not round, and crunchy at the base. definitely not foldable or rollable.

Now I want it all.

Hungry at the window of W, I was seduced by a wild animal, a pizza which had managed to capture an entire burrata in its jaws, so I have to return for the Margherita proper.

In a more disciplined and scientific manner, I have eaten two entire Margheritas at Standard Serious and half of one at at Zola.

Both very delicious and I’m not sure I can tell the difference (yet).

I think the cheese was more generous at Zola.

What I can say is that I like to eat in a restaurant which guarantees that its cheapest wine is still delicious. Serious Standard: €5.90 and fabulous. Zola: €4.50 and undrinkable.

The service at Zola is an experiment in the noise of crashing bottles and asses hanging out of shorts. I prefer Serious Standard, but it depends on your thing.